What makes Close Protection Different?

Close Protection Officers are People Orientated. In the private UK security industry they are the only security personnel trained to deal with the protection of people versus the protection of property and assets.

Purpose of Close protection

Close protection is offered to protect designated persons or principals and their families against possible:

  • Attacks
  • Threats
  • Blackmail
  • Intimidation
  • Embarrassing Situations
  • Evacuation

Advantages of using a CPO Service:

  • A CPO’s additional security serves as a deterrent
  • A feeling of comfort is created for the Principal and their family that ensure undivided attention to their own tasks and duties
  • Preventative measures and contingencies are formulated in advance should the need arise
  • Threats and attacks are immediately neutralized
  • Close Protection as detterent

Criteria for selecting close protection officers or security guards for hire:

  • Professionalism
  • Awareness
  • Reliability
  • Mental and Physical Fitness
  • Self Disciplined
  • Ability to plan over time and distance
  • Ability to give as well as receive instruction
  • Creativity
  • Loyalty
  • Versatility
  • Ability to communicate
  • CPO’s training

The Principal’s level of protection is determined by the following factors:

  • Political, Economical or Social Status
  • Threats
  • Current Security Setup
  • Budget
  • Cadillac DTS Limousine

A Close Protection Detail Consist of:

  • Commander (OC)
  • Team Leader (TL)
  • Close Protection Officer/Bodyguard
  • Personal Escort Section (PES)
  • Residence Security Team(RST)
  • Security Advanced Party(SAP)
  • Support Team/backup(ST)
  • Drivers(D)

Roller Shutters

Hospitals, warehouses, shops and offices will employ roller shutters for an added layer of security when the building is left empty and overnight closure.

Roller shutters can be manufactured in a variety of thicknesses to suit application,  metal depths vary from around 0.5mm to 2mm gauges. Galvanized steel roller shutters offer the best security and can be coated in plastic colored material for finer finishes and powdered coating. Most manufacturers offer a range of colors which will suit the location and surroundings of the shutters, and RAL colors will often be implemented as the default metallic coloring system.

Lets not forget one of the fundamental buying decisions with roller shutters, which is the mechanization for opening and closing shutters. Electric roller shutters are by far the easiest to utilize, and a solid system should be invested in. The operation should be smooth and secure with close fitting and quality fixtures.

Having secure locking systems will naturally extend the protection your roller shutters offer and ensure the integrity of security. Having rusted old locks will not help even if your roller shutter system is high quality.

So, in summary the main considerations for roller shutters is to find a supplier who will recommend the right thickness of steel for your particular application. Decide whether the size and position warrants using a mechanized opening system. Choose a roller shutter which will allow you to finish the shutters in powder coated or other durable finishes, and ideally pick a color which enhances the appearance of the shutters. Pick high quality locking mechanisms for long term benefits, and don’t forget to consider the retracted size of the rolled metal when in the closed position, as the size of these can vary and may be too large depending on the available space.

Fostering Invention

Anywhere you have good employees doing good work someone will inevitably come up with something brilliant, and unless clearly defined in the employment contract, there can be confusion as to who owns these ideas. Therefore, consulting with a professional patent agency, such as Invent Help, is advisable. Intellectual property clauses are commonly left out of contracts but they deserve careful consideration as illustrated by the following examples.

Example A: Darren from Research and Development is named as an inventor in a patent application filed in the name of the company he works for. The company is eventually granted the right to stop competitors from infringing the claims of the patent. The company owns the invention because it paid Darren to invent it during work time using company resources.

Example B: James from sales comes up with something clever. He visits his patent attorney and eventually files a patent application in which he is named inventor and applicant. James owns the invention because he is not employed to invent things.

Both of these examples seem straightforward and most would not question the ownership of the intellectual property. Alarm bells will begin to sound, however, when one discovers that James’ idea concerns subject matter important to the business of the company, and that James:

a. came up with his invention during work hours;
b. used company resources for the development of his idea; and
c. allowed the company to use his invention during his time there.

One could be forgiven for assuming that the company would be entitled to some rights in the intellectual property developed by James. However, the law in some countries Australia and the United Kingdom is unanimous in that an employee’s invention remains his or her property with two exceptions.

The first exception is where an employment agreement states that any invention made during the course of employment becomes the property of employer. The second is where the employee is employed to invent things and the invention was made during the normal course of employment.

If a dispute regarding ownership of an invention arises in the workplace other employees may be tempted to demonstrate less ingenuity. One way to limit the number of useful inventions that employees keep to themselves is by introducing an incentive scheme. Such a scheme may also provide an opportunity to revisit employment agreements with a view to incorporating intellectual property clauses.

The inclusion of an incentive scheme, for example a royalty or profit sharing arrangement, in examples A and B would result in advantages for the inventors and the company:

  • Darren would be rewarded if his invention was successful by receiving a percentage of the royalties and would be encouraged to come up with new inventions.
  • James would save on the costs of intellectual property protection, thereby lowering his financial exposure to the risk of the invention being unsuccessful. He would also be able to utilize all of his company’s contacts and resources during development, thus saving himself both time and money.

The company would have to share the benefits of both inventions with the inventors but the exercise encourages cooperation. At the very least, the company would have helped foster an environment where there were clear and real benefits to thinking outside the square. As you can see, the process is complicated and having a patent agency like InventHelp to guide you is recommended.

What To Look For in an NYC Psychotherapist

There are many psychotherapists in NYC. How can you be sure you are choosing the right one? This is a simple guide that can help you decide.

Ask The Questions That Matter Most to You:

What are you seeking psychotherapy for? Anxiety, depression, relationships, grief and bereavement, or treatment for addiction? Ask your potential psychotherapist what their specialty is and what client needs do they feel they work best with. Some are more experienced with addictions such as gambling, sex, or eating rather than working with a person who has lost a loved one recently. Make sure your psychotherapist has the experience you need to get to your treatment goals met.

Experience Education:

NYC has some great psychotherapists and choosing one shouldn’t be too difficult although it can be very stressful. First, check into their experience and education. I would recommend trying to find a therapist that has post-graduate analytic training. Ask your therapist if they have been through a three or four year post-graduate psychoanalytic training. Also, keep in mind that some may be educated in areas or have specialties that are not in line with your goals. This relates back to our first tip: Ask the questions that matter to you.

Where Is Your Psychotherapist Located In NYC:

Being that NYC is so big, you can find a couples counseling NY therapist closer to your area. This is important because you don’t want to miss sessions based on the fact that it is too far or too much of a hassle to travel. If they are close enough you may even be able to attend during a lunch hour.

What Are The Psychotherapist’s Pricing Guidelines:

New York is a big city with all types of people from many different socioeconomic circumstances. Choosing the psychotherapist in NYC that can work with your budget or insurance is important. Also, it doesn’t mean that the more expensive they are the better they are. Choosing your psychotherapist based on budget should be coupled with how well they can they fit your needs.

In Conclusion

Your mental health is top priority. Remember, if you feel you are in need of psychotherapy it is probably a sign that you need it. Research and find the psychotherapist that suits you and that can help you evolve and move forward in your life. I would recommend talking to two or three therapists and choosing one that feels like a good fit.

What is a patent?

Simply put, a patent is a right granted to an inventor by the government – in essence, a bargain between the inventor and the government. In exchange for disclosing his or her invention in such complete terms that someone in the field could build and improve on it, the government gives the inventor the right to stop others from making, using, or selling the invention for a limited period of time. Understand that the “right to stop others” from making, using, or selling the invention does not necessarily mean that the patentee has the right to make, use, or sell the invention – it is possible that making, using, or selling an invention may require a license from another patentee whose invention was similar or a precursor.

As a practical matter, patents are granted for high-tech, low-tech, and everything in between, although there are some limitations. (For example, you can’t patent natural laws or abstract ideas.) Over the years, company InventHelp has helped inventors patent yarn dolls, trapezoidal bookshelves, luggage, machine tools, cocktail glasses, chemical compositions, computer speech processing systems, and everything in between.

According to the Constitution and the law, a patent may only be granted to or with the consent of the actual inventor(s). A patent has the attributes of property, and may be mortgaged, licensed, or sold, to give a few examples. By law and tradition, a patent automatically belongs to the inventor(s) unless he or she has made arrangements to transfer the rights to another person or a company. (Many companies include provisions about patent ownership in their basic employment contracts.)

Because of a recent change in the patent law, the U.S. currently grants patents to the first inventor to file a patent application for an invention, and not the first inventor to actually invent that invention. Public disclosure of the invention prior to filing a patent application can prevent an inventor from getting a patent. Thus, it’s important to discuss any new inventions with a patent agency, like Invent Help, or attorney as soon as possible.

The Benefits of a Los Angeles Drug Rehab Program

Many people struggle with addiction and never receive the help that they need to regain their life and well-being. Los Angeles drug rehab programs are available to assist you with the recovery process and help you to avoid relapsing in the future. When evaluating your options for obtaining professional help from qualified staff, there are a few things to consider about drug treatment.

Drug rehab Los Angeles center will provide you with the tools and resources that you need to begin the substance abuse recovery process. Drug rehab involves group therapy, counseling, and medications that are prescribed to assist you in recovering from the addiction. Families are often encouraged to participate in the process by sharing their feelings and providing emotional support. Long-term follow-up care is necessary to help you transition into your normal routine after enrolling in a drug abuse treatment program.

Both inpatient and outpatient drug rehab are available when you’re ready to break the cycle of drug addiction. The staff members at drug rehab facilities often create individual treatment plans for each patient depending on their drug use history and the type of drugs that they depend on each day.

Inpatient drug rehab

Inpatient drug rehab in Los Angeles will require you to live in the facility full time as you receive treatment for your addiction. Inpatient drug rehabilitation often includes drug detox to ensure you are clean as you start the recovery process. Drug detox can be challenging for many patients, but a medical staff is available to monitor your health and well-being 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Some side effects of detoxing include vomiting, sweating, chills, and headaches. Medication can be provided when you begin detoxing to ease discomfort and avoid complications or relapse. Antidepressants, non-opioid agonists, and opioid agonists are often available from the staff of inpatient drug rehab programs.

Drug and alcohol inpatient treatment in Los Angeles requires that you enroll for an average of one month as you receive counseling, behavioral therapy, and supervision from medical staff. The rehab facility will help you transition out of the program and into a sober living home where you can continue to receive support and spend time in a drug-free environment.

Outpatient drug rehab

Outpatient drug rehab centers are appropriate if you want to maintain your presence in the home or keep up with work obligations while receiving treatment. Outpatient programs may be ideal if you have small children to care for each day. You’ll be expected to remain abstinent and will begin the program with an initial assessment. You will participate in weekly therapy sessions and attend activities or seminars. Therapists are assigned to help you discover triggers and underlying causes of your addiction. Group sessions are also provided, and you are expected to participate by sharing your personal story with other patients and staff members.

With outpatient care, a patient does not transition from treatment to a recovery facility, but instead remains at their home. This can make it easier to continue learning how to stay clean in public environments. You may also benefit from continuing to interact with your family members and friends as you learn how to overcome the addiction.

Having an outside support group is essential to help you fully recover and maintain your sobriety. You are often instructed to avoid spending time in areas where you used drugs and to avoid interacting with old friends who are also addicted to substances.

Plotter service center

The use of plotters and printers in the recent times has taken a big leap with the ever-increasing count of entrepreneurial ventures in Dubai. Commercial organizations are purchasing new batches of printer devices every year to replace the old ones. However, companies like the plotter service center Dubai make it easy for business owners to cut their costing short. Through plotter repair and maintenance services, the center enables the client concerns  to use their printers for a prolonged period of time.

Regardless of the number of calls it receives in a day, the clients are never left waiting. With a profusely growing number of employees, plotter service center Dubai always have enough engineers at their disposal to send for rescue. Besides, these professionals are all certified engineers who have exhaustive knowledge about Hewlett Packard printers and plotters. Well-versed with their internal mechanism, repairing a broken-down device is only a matter of a few minutes.

Additionally, the plotter service center Dubai also offers printer maintenance services. Thus, if the entrepreneurs are in need of servicing their company plotter machines, plotter service center Dubai can be hired for the purpose. The charges taken for plotter repair services are competitive, in comparison to the quality of services given out. Thus, by the virtue of its uncomplaining services, plotter service center Dubai maintains an endless list of clients who are very contended with its services.

Face Mask rrterre

Virus Prevention Tips

The best way to protect yourself from the Covid19 is by following the general practice for preventing the virus. These include:

Good personal health and hygiene habits

  • Washing your hands often.
  • Covering nose and mouth whilst sneezing/coughing.

Face Mask rrterre

Avoid contact with anybody known to have the virus

Coronavirus is the most contagious within the first 2-3 days of contraction, if you know of somebody with the virus, wear a face mask, such as the N95 mask around them. Sanitize all surfaces where the virus may be present.

Eat Healthy and keep fit

Eating plenty of fruit and vegetable provides the body with right minerals and vitamins used to build a strong immune system. This will act as a natural barrier to prevent the virus but may not stop it completely.

Drink 6-8 glasses of water per day, this will keep you well hydrated and flush out the bad toxins in your body leading to a better immune system.

Exercise of low to high intensity is the main key to a healthy immune system and should not be overlooked. Overall fitness not only acts as a natural barrier against disease but aids recovery too!

Try to stay stress free. This may sound hard to do but meditation, hypnosis or other relaxation techniques are proven to reduce illness and boost the body’s natural immune system.


Cute Dog Names

Choosing a name for your little puppy is like choosing the name for a newborn, this name will identify your puppy for the rest of its life. In fact, once your dog gets to recognize its name, you will not be able to change it. The name of the dog will be essential on its education and training, once the dog understands that you are calling its name; it will answer to your call.

However it is not because of a special meaning of the name from the perspective of your dog, but we can always allow ourselves to choose a meaningful name (for us) as long as we consider the most important rule which is the following:

A name of two syllables at most is important, in this way it will be easier for your dog to understand it and recognize it given the tone of your voice.

Names based on the appearance and behavior of your dog

The most distinctive features graceful body or your pet can give clues to choosing a name. The dog may have long ears, a patch over his eyes like a mask or frizzy hair. Of these characteristics could lead to nicknames like “ears”, “bandit” or “rollers”. There are many variations to these same qualities and other diverse. Watch your dog carefully to discover them.

In addition to their physical characteristics, the dogs usually have original behaviors that define them. Some may be jumping, some sleepers and other playful. You can choose a name for your dog Based on their characteristics. Sure to find a witty and funny term for your pet if you see their ways or attitudes more frequent.

Mythological and astronomical names

Mythology can be a rich source for choosing a name for your dog. Apollo, Zeus, Diana and Aphrodite could give it a classic and sophisticated look to your dog if it is of great size. If it is small, the name of an ancient deity will be funny and original. The moon, sun and some planets can also be an innovative use for naming your faithful friend.

Names found on films and literature

You can also appeal to your favorite stories or movies if you want to choose a name for your dog. For example Puck, Oberon and Titania, characters from “The Dream of a Summer Night” by William Shakespeare, have named many dogs. In film we can find even dogs who take the famous name, like Lassie, who starred in a popular series and some films, or Zero, the friendly ghost dog “The Nightmare before Christmas.”

Classic names

Surely we’ve all known a friendly dog named Sparkle, Fido or Rufus. Many of the more common variants of these names also correspond to the physical appearance of the animal. Although common, these traditional names are still so widely used and not lose their grace and charm.

Everybody wants to keep a dog and name him the best. Many dogs and pups are named after the owner’s favorite car. To choose a name for your dog you can also use some of the exotic car names for dogs like Porsche, Bugatti or McLaren.

50 Hamster Names – Unique Hamster Name Ideas

If you’re looking for unique hamster names, we’ve got the perfect list for you! We’ve taken the time to find some of the cutest hamster names out there so that you can find the perfect name for your little furry friend.

A name. You’re given it before you’re born. A name has a literal and intrinsic meaning, and in most cases is gender specific. Naming someone is the first critical step in starting a relationship with someone.

It sets the precedent for the remainder of the relationship. A lot of careful thought went into picking your name. Your teddy bear hamster deserves the same respect. The name you choose will be theirs for the remainder of their, so it is important that you Love the name you give them.

I suggest that you let your hamster be “nameless” the first few days you own them. During this time, watch and observe them. See if any names jump out at you. There are a few different methods to animal name selection.

Human Names For Hamsters

The first one is: a name that you really like, such as Michael, Chad, Sophie, or Casey. Names in this category could be in memory of a lost relative, or a girl/boyfriend, or your favorite baby names. These names though are not very creative. Preferably if you are going to choose a person-like name for your hamster, pick something unique. A name that not many people have like: Alfonzo, Mila, Lucy, or Pedro. All of these names are pretty uncommon, but still offer give a sense of humanness to your hamster.

Here are some human names for hamsters:

  • Amy
  • Angel
  • Archie
  • Arnold
  • Arthur
  • Babette
  • Bambi
  • Basil
  • Beatrice
  • Benny
  • Bertie
  • Billie
  • Bob

Popular Hamster Names

Here are some of the most popular cute hamster names:

  • Bubbles
  • Buttons
  • Chester
  • Cinnamon
  • Dazzle
  • Fluffernutter
  • Gingerbread Man
  • Gizmo
  • Honey Bear
  • Honey Bunch
  • Lucky Charm

Hamster Names Based On Personality

Another way to generate names is to observe how your teddy bear hamsters act. Watch closely and if your hammy jumps a lot a great name could be:

  • Hops – Hops is a very sweet and fun name for a female hamster that has some white fur on her belly. It also sounds like it could be a great nickname for someone who loves to dance!
  • Skip – Skip is a very cute and fun name for a female hamster that has some white fur on her belly. It’s also a great name for someone who loves to dance! Pudding – Pudding is a really cute name for a female hamster that has some white fur on her belly.
  • Hoppity – Hoppity is a very cute name for a female hamster who loves to dance!
  • Jumpy – Jumpy is a really cute name for a female hamster that loves to jump! Nimble – Nimble is a great name for any female hamster that loves to dance.
  • Dinky Dora – A nickname for Dora is Dinky and she’s quite tiny and dainty, so this name suits her perfectly.
  • Poppy – This is a cute name for a girl hamster who is always in good spirits and loves to run around!
  • Flopsy – Flopsy is another female hamster name that means “fluffy” or “puffy.”
  • Curly Sue – If your hamster has curly fur like me (maybe not as much), then Curly Sue could be an appropriate name for him or her!
  • Frosty – Frosty has white fur which makes him look like he just came out of the freezer! So if he happens to be white with black dots on his back (like my Winter), then this could work very well!
  • Cinderella – Cinderella was a very sweet and gentle hamster I had when I was younger, so this could be a nice name for one of your female hamsters.
  • Tooky Dinky Doo – This is one of Dora’s catchphrases from the show and it’s adorable!
  • Pixie – Pixie is a cute name for a girl hamster who has some white fur on her belly and paws. The word pixie means “small fairy,” which is also very appropriate!
  • Ginger – Ginger is another name for a female hamster that has red fur. This could be a great name for your pet if he or she has some ginger-colored fur!

Hamster Names By Color

If you are looking for a cute hamster name and you’re not sure what color your hamster is, here is a list of colors that may help you.


  • Shadow
  • Midnight
  • Blackie
  • Ebony
  • Coal
  • Onyx


  • Snowflake
  • Whitey
  • Silver Bells


  • Smokey
  • Scrappy
  • Mocha
  • Midnight


  • Chocolate Chip
  • Cocoa Puff


  • Ruby or Red (not Scarlet)


Or perhaps your hamster is a golden color, you could name it:

  • Goldie
  • Goldie Locks
  • Honey

Hamster Names By Appearance

Personally, I enjoy this last category the most. I have named my last few hamsters:

  • Cocoa
  • Little Bear
  • Honey Bear

All because of their appearance. Cocoa was a dark chocolate brown. Little Bear’s breed is a Teddy Bear Hamster, she reminded me of a little bear with her black fur that is where her namesake comes from. Finally, Honey Bear is golden and white; she looks like the color of honey.

Hamster names are a great way to show your creativity, and observation skills to the world. Names can be of people you know, names you like, idiosyncrasies they have, or the way they look. The list of unique hamster names is limitless! Just make sure whatever name you choose, you love because this is the name your hamster will respond to for its whole life.